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    Your go-to guide for a seamless journey through India

    We are more than happy to answer all your questions regarding your custom trip to India. As we have arranged trips for our guests since 2017, we have ideas about the questions which are frequently asked, which we have addressed below. If you have more questions, feel free to let us know!

    To enter India, all international travellers must have a passport that is valid for six months after the date of entry. You also are required to have a visa to enter India . Travelers from most countries can apply for a visa online at this official government website We do not assist with visa applications.

    Our team recommends that travellers have insurance for trip cancellation, medical emergencies, and lost baggage. You can typically obtain this insurance along with your international flight.

    Before traveling, check with your doctor to make sure your vaccinations are up-to-date. Remember to carry along your medications and a copy of your prescriptions in case you need to obtain medication in the country. It is a good idea to bring along mosquito repellent and sunscreen. Be sure to travel with hand sanitizer and tissues; public restrooms are not always equipped. While in India, we always recommend drinking bottled water only. It is always recommended to eat moderately for the first few days to get used to the changes. Western options are widely available in most of the hotels and restaurants.

    Rural areas of India may be conservative, so plan your wardrobe accordingly. Women may want to cover their legs and upper arms so as not to attract unwanted attention. Morning safaris in an open jeep can be cool; you’ll be happy wearing layers of warm clothing that you can shed as the day warms up. It is customary to remove footwear when entering temples; so bring socks if you don’t want to go barefoot.

    In the cities English and Hindi are commonly spoken. Your driver will be able to help out with local dialects.

    There are generally no restrictions for snapping photos and recording videos, but some sites charge an extra fee for using your camera. Be respectful when photographing people; ask permission with a smile and don’t be surprised if your subject wants your photo in return!

    The national currency is rupees, abbreviated INR or (₹). Because the rupee is a closed currency and is difficult to get outside of India, you may have to wait until arriving to exchange currency. Banknotes come in 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200 and 500 denominations. Use a currency conversion app such as XE Currency on your mobile phone. Your hotel may exchange money or Custom Tours India can help you to exchange money, but don’t be surprised if some of your paper money is rejected as too old or damaged. ATMs in India accept most major credit cards for cash transactions. Major hotels and restaurants accept credit cards; be sure to check the conversion rate and account for any international currency fees tacked on to the total amount. We always suggest informing your bank that you are going to India as sometimes the bank might freeze your card.

    For most services a 10% tip is adequate. At hotels tip the bellhop 50 rupees for each piece of luggage up to 200 rupees for a full cart. Tip drivers and guides 500-1000 rupees per day. In public restrooms, offer the attendant 10-20 rupees.

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